C-130J Military Comp L-382J Type Rating

FAA USAF/USN Change to C-130J Model Mil-Comp Type Rating

Written by: Gib Minor | Posted on: | Category:

My fellow Herk drivers, I have been asked why there is no longer a military equivalent for the J Model. I will try and keep a long twisted story as short as possible.

In the latest L-382J Flight Standards Board (FSB) report that there were too many difference between the C-130J and the commercial L-382J to consider the aircraft a military equivalent. This decision was made mostly by Lockheed with the support of the military representatives involved with the finial FSB Report.

If you only have C-130J qualifications the best we can do is issue a Commercial Airplane Grade of Airman's certificate with Mulitengine Land Class Rating with an Instrument Rating. IF you have legacy (any C-130, not J Model) we can add the L-382 Type Rating.

Please contact us if you are unsure if your aircraft has a valid civilian type rating equivalent.

Sorry for the not so great news.

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